Mission Statement
The CMB-S4 Collaboration is committed to a robust program of education and public outreach (EPO). We focus on broadening the audience of our education and outreach programs to increase the diversity of participation in CMB science and Astronomy and Physics. The CMB-S4 EPO program engages the public, families, and K-12 students with cutting-edge science that seeks to inspire wonder and curiosity across a range of audiences. Our research attempts to answer some of the most fundamental questions in our universe.
Key programs in the CMB-S4 EPO effort include the Saturday Science series, which teaches the basics of CMB-S4 science to high school students, and public engagement events tied to the biannual CMB-S4 collaboration workshops. The EPO program will support the CMB-S4 Collaboration’s annual summer programs for young researchers. These programs aim to prepare students to work with CMB-S4 data and to bolster their skills in data-intensive research. The CMB-S4 EPO program will make a concerted effort to facilitate and encourage participation by underrepresented groups in these summer schools. This process will include reaching out to faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other institutions serving underrepresented minorities to encourage long-term participation in CMB-S4 research.
Share your CMB-S4 programs and outreach events with the Education and Public Outreach Committee (EPOC) at [email protected]
Undergraduate Research Opportunities: Resource List